Scuba Safety in AB - FLY your DIVE FLAG!
AB SCUBA DIVERS: REMEMBER to always stay clear of local dams, weirs, marinas, boat channels and boat launches here in Alberta (& around the world!)
WARNING: Boat rentals are available to the public at Lake Minnewanka, Banff (and many other Alberta's lakes) without the prerequisite of a "boating license". So most don't know the rules!

This often means the boat operator is very inexperienced, unaware, uneducated about what the "Dive Flag" means =
ATTN: BOATERS - Diver Below - Keep Clear at least 100 ft, Slow Down!
BUT - NEVER assume that the presence of the "Dive Flag" will ensure your safety! Always do controlled ascents (and descents) while diving, ascend close to shore if possible. Use caution & common sense, be aware & don't dive in heavy boat traffic areas.
ALWAYS use common sense & good judgement when deciding to dive or not dive - due to any safety concerns, boat traffic, change of local conditions, your own experience & even your fitness level!
Dive safe, always!