Dive Shops/Instructors* in Alberta
Need scuba training, courses, refreshers, air fills, scuba or snorkeling equipment near you? See these links below!
The Dive Shops operating in Alberta offer a wide variety of services - from initial snorkel or scuba training, with offerings of all scuba equipment needed - all the way up to exotic dive travel opportunities or escorted dive travel. Please support them & visit your local favourite dive shop for gear sales and rentals, scuba courses and training, local diving opportunities, lake cleanups, dive trips and escorted group travel.
Please support them by shopping in Alberta. Please note that the AUC doesn't not provide scuba courses other than our school/youth outreach programs. The AUC is independent and neutral when it comes to all Alberta Dive Centres and their scuba certification agencies. We welcome participation from any of Alberta's dive stores and their associated training agencies or suppliers. We always endeavor to operate fairly, cooperatively & reciprocally with all organizations & individuals that wish to engage with the Council.
DISCLAIMER: Listings below do not imply any endorsement, recommendation, responsibility, warranty, etc. Provided as information only.
Alberta's Local Dive Shops/Retailers are listed here in alphabetical order by CITY, then followed by Alberta's Independent Scuba Instructors*, PLUS: local AB On-Line Scuba Gear Sites, Air Fill Stations, and Dive Travel Specialists.
Please Support Your Local Businesses! Shop local, buy local.
Aqua Dive and Watersports * Bronze Level Sponsor of the AUC
9950 Macleod Trail South (moved from Airdrie location)
Calgary, AB T2J 3K9
Phone: (587) 353-3483
The Dive Shop ***GOLD Level Sponsor of the AUC
4652 McLeod Trail SW
Calgary, AB T2G 5E8
Phone: (403) 243-4616
Generation Wave Scuba Services* NEW IN 2023 - Welcome!
249 River Ave,
Cochrane, AB T4C 2C1
Ph: 587-362-5929
The Dive Outfitters ***GOLD Level Sponsor of the AUC
11781 – 156 Street
Edmonton, AB T5M 3N4
Phone: (780) 483-0044
Toll Free: 1-(888) 483-0049
Northwest Scuba
6815 -104 Street
Edmonton, AB T6H 2L5
Phone: (780) 438-1218
Ocean Sports ***GOLD Level Sponsor of the AUC
NEW Address: 9833 - 63 Avenue (effective Feb/2023)
Edmonton, AB
Phone: (780) 432-1904
Grande Prairie:
Shantara Dive Services
NOTE: New Address: effective 05/23
9931 - 90 Avenue
Grande Prairie, AB
email: celia@shantara.ca
Phone: 780-882-1120
Phone: 780-882-1172
Awesome Adventures *Bronze Level Sponsor of the AUC
314 - 11 Street South
Lethbridge, AB T1J 2N8
Phone: 403-328-5041
St Paul:
Box 1539
St. Paul, AB T0A 3A0
Phone: 780-614-8225
Wainwright & Lloydminster:
Alberta Adventure Divers *** GOLD Level Supporter of the AUC
1908 - 19 Ave
Wainwright, AB
Phone: 780-842-2882
AUC's sincere appreciation & thanks to our outstanding AB Dive Retailers (especially our Platinum, Gold, Silver & Bronze Level Supporters), On-Line Scuba Stores, the AB Independent Scuba Instructors & our Dive Travel Specialists for their yearly support of the AUC's mandate & goals. Plus for their generous hosting /sponsoring of many Alberta's local dive events & lake cleanups and/or support of the AUC's bi-annual Divescapes Scuba Conference!
Independent Local Scuba Instructors* ......
Out & about..... across Alberta near you!
Independent Instructors in Alberta - support local scuba instructor!
Listed by Alberta's City/Town in Alphabetical Order:
*Independent Local Scuba Instructors often provide their services in smaller communities in Alberta.
As an "independent" they do not usually affiliate with only one dive shop so remain neutral to dive shops,
scuba gear manufacturers, etc.
DISCLAIMER: Listings below do not imply any endorsement, recommendation, responsibility,
warranty, etc. NOTE: Listings are Provided as - Information only.
Alan Keller*, PADI Master Instructor
Dive Strong Canada: Lana Taylor**
Calgary Scuba* * Bronze Level Sponsor of AUC: Ph: 403-228-5756, SDI/TDI
T4 Scuba*: PADI Courses, Dive Travel, PH: 403-660-8700, T4Scuba@gmail.com, Find us on FB
Cold Lake:
Dunnill’s Diving Services, * Bronze Level Sponsor of AUC
Stuart Dunnill*, PADI, Ph: 780-573-3573,
email: stuart.dunnill@hotmail.com, Open Water Diver Courses, plus specialties, Find us on FB
Larry Wedgewood Scuba - Larry Wedgewood*, PADI, private lessons, see website link for more info
Fort McMurray:
StingRay Diver Training * Bronze Level Sponsor of AUC
Ray LaFrense,* PADI, Cell: 780-554-8549, ray@stingraydivertraining.com, find us on FB
Red Deer & Area
Mark Faas * - PADI, Email - mark@albertadivers.ca, Ph. 403-857-8008, albertadivers.ca
Mark Willerth * - PADI, Cell: 403-302-2802, mbwillerth@gmail.com
Rocky Mt House: Denise Boniface *, Aqua-Nuts Diving, PADI, Ph: 403-846-3914
Would you like to be listed here? Please contact AUC Office: info@albertaunderwatercouncil.com
Note: All info subject to change without notice! Errors/omissions? Contact AUC Office
ONLINE IN ALBERTA - Scuba Gear Sales OnLine -
Please support these local businesses in Alberta
Aqua Sport On‐line** * Bronze Level Sponsor of AUC
The Dive Shop - On-Line** * Bronze Level Sponsor of the AUC
Ph: 403-243-4616
Ocean Sports** oceansports.ca **Gold Level Sponsor of the AUC
Ph: 780‐432‐1904, 1‐800‐561‐3483
Scuba Gear Canada**** scubagearcanada.ca
***PLATINUM Level Sponsor of the AUC
Ph: 780‐483‐0044, 1‐888‐483‐0049, info@scubagearcanada.ca
Interested in Dive Travel?? Try Alberta's Local
Dive Travel Specialists or LDS (Local Dive Shops):
Looking for Scuba Group Trips??
Be sure to check out the dive trips offered by many of Alberta's Dive Shops or their Instructors,
plus local AB Scuba Clubs, local Independent Scuba Instructors and/or this -
Alberta's Dive Travel Specialists:
Tropical Adventures Travel - specializing in escorted dive trips!
Phone: 780-809-3636 EXT 1 or Toll Free 1-877-516-5525 EXT 1
Larry Wedgewood Scuba
Tel: 780 699-9383
Email: larry@larrywedgewoodscuba.com
Other Scuba Resources in Alberta:
Air Fills Only - Remote Air Compressor Stations
Jasper: Jasper Volunteer Fire Hall*, Ph: 780-931-0075, $10 Cash Only, usually on Saturdays only, 3-5 pm
(*Note: subject to availability & subject to change without notice)
LISTINGS of USED Scuba Gear: See this FB Group: "Alberta Divers - Buy, Sell Trade" for Used Scuba Gear - this is local AB Group Facebook Page for any used scuba gear (buy or sell or trade) available in Alberta. (Note: used gear ads no longer accepted on AUC FB Group page or most other scuba club FB pages).
REMEMBER: BUYER BEWARE !!! OLD scuba gear can be dangerous & should be serviced before use.
USE CAUTION. Contact a trusted LDS (local dive shop owner, staff, instructor or divemaster) or an experienced dive buddy - so that you don't over-pay for much older & maybe unserviceable scuba gear.
NOTE: DISCLAIMER (aka The Fine Print)
All articles, submissions, advertising, website content, business listings and/or links are provided as information only.
No warranty, liability, responsibility nor recommendations are accepted or implied for content contained herein or which may appear in AUC's Website, Social Media, published Newsletters, eNEWS, Membership Brochure, Event Posters, etc. Buyer Beware!
All Participants, Volunteers, Members, Clubs, Sponsors, Event Attendees, etc., must acknowledge & agree to AUC's Waiver & Indemnity Agreement
@ Content Copyright: Reproduction in whole or in part allowed only with express written permission of the Alberta Underwater Council (AUC) and/or its representatives.