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Effective Jan 1/21: AUC Membership is only $21 per person per year.


Your membership dollars helps support many of AUC's provincial programs:

  • Discovering local diving at annual AUC Dive Alberta Events & Lake Cleanups

  • Sport Accident Insurance & Liability insurance for local dive & u/w hockey clubs

  • Support for sport & scuba clubs in Alberta
  • Scuba Diving Safety reminders for divers, e.g. "Ditch your Weights"

  • Dive Flag Awareness for boaters "Attention Boaters: These Flags mean Divers are below"

  • Alberta Dive Guide & Log Book

  • Lobbying local governments to ensure Alberta scuba diver's right to dive

  • Communications through AUC newsletters, website, Facebook, etc.

  • Supporting Alberta's scuba & underwater sports clubs

  • Sport Accident Insurance for participants at AUC sanctioned events

  • Liability Insurance for AUC and it's Alberta Scuba Clubs and UW Hockey Clubs

  • Discover Scuba Experience Program for schools across Alberta (especially rural areas)

  • Intro to Underwater Hockey sessions for schools

AUC Membership Benefits:
  • AUC Dive Alberta Events & Lake Cleanups - AUC helps promote scuba diving fun & safety together with dive centre/club sponsors/hosts at the many dive events & lake cleanups throughout Alberta.  Reduced event fees & event prizes to AUC members.

  • The AUC "Underwater Alberta" Newsletter (in print) is published 1 times per year, plus Spring and Fall/Winter Bulletins, available for pick up at your local favourite local dive retailer.  Stop in & ask for a copy of the latest edition or pick one up at an AUC Dive Alberta event.  Look for the yearly AUC Dive Alberta event calendar as well.

  • AUC eNEWS is sent out via email to subscribers whenever possible for timely receipt of notice of events & happenings of interest to AUC members!  Be sure to sign-up on the website for Alberta Underwater Council's eNews.


* NOTE: Six Months Free Offer Ended on Dec 31/19.  Please renew or sign-up for only $20 per person, per year.

Win Prizes!

AUC members automatically qualify for a chance each year end to win GRAND PRIZES! To qualify, just sign the AUC Dive Event Waiver at 2 or more Dive Alberta Events/Lake Cleanups for your chance to WIN!  More events entered = more chances to WIN!  


Grand Prizes include:

  • $250 Gift Certificate from the Alberta Dive Centre (your favourite AB LDS (Local Dive Shop) of your choice from the AUC


Participation and Event Prizes (when available) are often available at most AUC events - thanks to our many sponsors.  Or be sure to bring your loonies & toonies for raffle prize draws with thanks to sponsors from local dive shops, dive clubs, gear suppliers, and local businesses.  



AUC Membership Fee

Price: Individual Renewal: $21 per person per year (effective January 1, 2020.  Applies to all members only, new & renewal.

*NOTE: free offer ended Dec 31.19, insurance costs have increased by 20%)


Term: Annual membership runs for one year from end of month of your original sign up or renewal date.  It is renewed yearly thereafter with a 30 day grace period to ensure benefits like reduced fees at Dive Alberta events, eligibility for prizes and voting privileges at AGM, etc. Scuba Clubs: Wing Divers & UW Outlaws include your AUC Fees in your membership.  Underwater Sports and/or other Youth groups runs from Sept 1st to Aug 31st the following year (usually follows the school calendar year).


Memberships are encouraged & new members who participate & sign their event waiver at "Dive Alberta" events & lake cleanups are automatically signed up and also automatically entered into the Grand Prize Draws! 


*Membership fees are set by the AUC Board of Directors & increased as needed to help the Council achieve it's annual mandate & goals.  All fees include GST: Registration # 12888 1372.


AUC Membership is available to all interested persons including scuba divers, underwater hockey players, snorkelers, etc. 



Membership Application & Renewal​ - subscribe or log-in now our new membership system:

If you are a first-time member, log-in above & create your AUC Membership online & pay $20 in advance of an event & pay Member only fees (often reduced for members).

Or sign up at an AUC event.  



If you are a renewing member:  Choose one of these easy-peasy options!



Note: Your AUC membership fee may already be included with your "Scuba Club" membership with Wing Diver Scuba Club (Edmonton) or UW Outlaws Club (Calgary) .  OR with "UW Hockey Clubs like CUHC (Calgary) or EUHC (Edmonton).


Note: Going to an AUC Dive Event?  Automatically sign-up as new member & grand prize draw entry with your completed dive event Waiver.  Just remember to RSVP to the event as per the event's instructions & the organizers/hosts will thank you.  


Not sure of your membership status??? Contact AUC Office:


Or log-in  and search your name & see your membership status there & even update your personal information (check that email address is correct) as your auto renewal might have been sent to an old email address, etc.



Additional Benefits of Membership & Programs supported by the AUC


Newsletter & Monthly eNews

Underwater Alberta Newsletters are produced for Spring Edition yearly and/or as Bulletins for Summer/Fall. The publications update and inform members of all activities of the Council. They try to provide current technical and safety information plus news of the members, clubs & supporters affiliated with the AUC. 


eNEWS goes out to our data base of interested members/subscribers with news & reminders of upcoming events, happenings, dive events/lake cleanups, store news, trips, sales, course schedules, etc.  Please subscribe to the e-NEWS below.  Or use the "Contact Form" below to sign up for membership or even just ask a question.


Sport Accident Insurance & Liability Insurance

All registered members participating in AUC sanctioned local events, affiliated scuba club events and/or u/w hockey tournaments, etc., are covered by our sport accident insurance policy.  Extra travel insurance or DAN insurance for activities beyond Alberta is encouraged.


Dive Guides and Log Books

The AUC produces a high quality log book and Alberta Dive Guide available to members and dive stores.  The Dive Guide includes locations and conditions of many of the popular dive sites in Alberta.  Divers can also use the log book to record their dives and order refill pages to maintain an ongoing and informative individual log book. (Just been updated).  Log book refills are also available separately.  See the AUC Webstore for purchase on-line (plus shipping) or ask for it at your local favourite dive retailer in Alberta.


Scuba Club or Underwater Sports Team Listings

Helps you find an underwater scuba or uw hockey club/team in your area of the province.  Looking for a buddy?? Check out & dive-in at Dive Alberta events or lake cleanups and be sure to join our group on Facebook to find & communicate with dive buddies near you.  PLUS be sure to Search Facebook as most dive or underwater hockey clubs in Alberta have their own Facebook groups.   



Dive members qualify for event prizes (when available).  Plus Grand Prizes (provided by supportive sponsors) and/or discounts on AUC sanctioned events.






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@2017 Alberta Underwater Council

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